1. Purpose and Items of Personal Information Collection
  1. The game collects personal information for the following purposes.
  2. Personal information is not used for any purposes other than those listed below.
  3. OAuth login information is used for saving customer content and protecting records.
  4. Email information is used for receiving inquiries and troubleshooting.
  5. If it becomes necessary to collect additional information, consent will be obtained first, and such information will be added to this policy.

  1. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
  1. The game processes and retains personal information within the consented retention and usage period.
  2. OAuth login information is immediately discarded upon membership withdrawal, rendering account-related information irrecoverable.
  3. Email information is retained for three years for after-support purposes and then discarded.

  1. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
  1. The game does not provide personal information to third parties but will seek user consent if such a need arises.
  2. However, in emergency situations like disasters, outbreaks, or crimes that pose immediate risks to life, body, or property, personal information may be provided to relevant authorities without user consent.

  1. Handling and Entrustment of Personal Information
  1. BeYes entrusts personal information processing tasks for smooth handling, including cloud services to AWS (contact: aws@amazon.com) and Google (contact: support@google.com)
  2. Should there be any changes to the entrusted tasks or service providers, these will be promptly disclosed through the privacy policy.

  1. Rights and Responsibilities of Users and Representatives
  1. The game does not collect personal information from children under 13.
  2. Customers can request access to, correction of, deletion of, or a stop to the processing of their personal information at any time.
  3. Requests can be made in writing, by email, or fax. BeYes will respond promptly. Representation by a legal guardian or authorized person is allowed with a power of attorney.
  4. Customers are responsible for keeping their personal information up-to-date and maintaining the security of their account. Misuse or unauthorized sharing may lead to service access loss.

  1. Personal Information Disposal Procedure and Method
  1. BeYes’ promptly destroys personal information once the purpose of its processing is fulfilled. The disposal process includes:
  1. Personal information entered by the customer is immediately destroyed after achieving its purpose.
  2. Customers can terminate their account through 'User Profile > Membership Withdrawal' in the game, which also discontinues information linkage.
  1. For disposal methods, electronic file type information is destroyed using irreversible technical methods.

  1. Personal Information Protection Officer
  1. BeYes’ designates a Personal Information Protection Officer responsible for overseeing the processing of personal information, addressing user complaints, and remediation related to personal information.
  2. The officer, So Jae-min, can be reached at suport@beyes.xyz.
  3. The officer will respond promptly to user inquiries.

  1. Regarding Changes to the Privacy Policy
  1. This privacy policy has been in effect since September 18, 2023.
  2. Any additions, deletions, or corrections to the content will be guided by this policy.